New Look and Addition of BPS Lamandau's Website Features - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Lamandau Regency

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New Look and Addition of BPS Lamandau's Website Features

New Look and Addition of BPS Lamandau's Website Features

May 31, 2015 | Other Activities

Starting on June 1, 2015 Statistics of Lamandau Regency change the appearance of the website and add some features, including:
  1. Provide a special area for several Newest information such as Press Release, Table Statistics, Publications, andStatistics activities.
  2. Providing Dynamic Tables feature is an interactive menu where web users can tabulate own variables required.The resulting table can be downloaded in the formats: xls, pdf, csv or xml.
  3. Responsive Web, Statistics of Lamandau Regency website can be accessed by either various different devices and has a screen resolutiondifferent as PC / Laptops, tablets and smartphones.

For more information, please download the manual web

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