Production Of Paddy, Maize, and Soybean in 2015 (Forecast Figures I) And 2014 (Final Figures) - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Lamandau Regency

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Production Of Paddy, Maize, and Soybean in 2015 (Forecast Figures I) And 2014 (Final Figures)

Production Of Paddy, Maize, and Soybean in 2015 (Forecast Figures I) And 2014 (Final Figures)Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : July 1, 2015
File Size : 0.44 MB


Kalimantan Tengah rice production in 2015 ( Forecast Figures I) is estimated at 982 951 tons of dry unhusked rice ( GKG ) , up 144 744 tonnes ( 17.27 percent ) compared to production in 2014 (Final Figures), which amounted to 838 207 tonnes .

Kalimantan Tengah corn production in 2015 ( Forecast Figures I) was estimated at 9383 tons dry seed , rose 1,245 tonnes ( 15.30 percent ) compared to production in 2014 ( Final Figures) which amounted to 8,138 tons

Soybean production in 2015 ( Forecast Figures I) is estimated at 2,071 tons of dry beans , up 674 tonnes ( 48.25 percent ) compared to production in 2014 (Final Figures), which amounted to 1,397 tons

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