Consumer Price Index and Inflation - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Lamandau Regency

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Consumer Price Index and Inflation

Consumer Price Index and InflationDownload Official Statistics News
Release Date : January 4, 2016
File Size : 0.86 MB


In December 2015 in the city of Palangkaraya occur inflation of 0.88 percent . The inflation rate of calendar year 2015 the rate of inflation " year on year " ( December 2015 to December 2014 ) was 4.20 percent . Of the 82 cities that calculate the consumer price index , recorded all cities experiencing inflasi.Inflasi occur due to price increases shown by the increase in the index in six expenditure groups namely the foodstuff by 2.59 percent ; food, beverages , cigarettes and tobacco by 0.25 percent ; ie housing, water , electricity , gas and fuel by 0.36 percent ; health group 0.37 percent ; education, recreation and sport 0.11 percent as well as transport, communication and financial services 0.64 percent . While the other group is the clothing group price index decreased by 0.23 percent
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