Export, November 2015 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Lamandau Regency

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Export, November 2015

Export, November 2015Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : January 4, 2016
File Size : 0.71 MB


Central Kalimantan export value in November 2015 amounted to US $ 46.67 million , down 8.72 percent compared to the month of October 2015 , which reached US $ 51.13 million . The cumulative value of exports of Central Kalimantan January-November 2015 to reach US $ 993.07 million , down 3.97 percent over the same period in 2014 which amounted to US $ 1,034.17 million .
In November 2015 the export commodities are mineral fuels ( HS 27 ) of US $ 6.17 million ( 13.21 percent ) , fats & oils of animal / vegetable ( HS 15 ) amounted to US $ 25.91 million ( 55.50 per cent ) , wood and articles of wood ( HS 44 ) worth US $ 4.34 million ( 9.30 percent ) , rubber and rubber products ( HS 40 ) worth $ 7.25 million ( 15.52 per cent ) , as well as iron ore, crust and metal ( HS 26 ) of US $ 2.42 million ( 5.19 percent )
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