Room Occupancy Rate Kalimantan Tengah, November 2015 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Lamandau Regency

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Room Occupancy Rate Kalimantan Tengah, November 2015

Room Occupancy Rate Kalimantan Tengah, November 2015Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : January 4, 2016
File Size : 0.59 MB


Room occupancy rate ( TPK) star November 2015 amounted to 68.47 percent , compared with October 2015 ( 52.84 per cent ) , up 15.63 points. Similarly, when compared to November 2014 ( 61.90 per cent ) , up 6.57 points. The number of guests staying in star hotels both foreign and Indonesia in November 2015 as many as 13 176 people . This number is up compared to the previous month the number of guests that as many as 10 146 people . Indonesian guests rose as much as 2,776 people or 28.05 percent from October 2015. The number of foreign guests rose as much as 254 or 101.19 percent over the previous month
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