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Product - Official Statistics News

Inflation Of January 2016

Inflation Of January 2016

Inflation Of January 2016Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : February 1, 2016
File Size : 0.66 MB


Month of January 2016 in the city of Palangkaraya occur inflation of 0.17 percent. The inflation rate of calendar year 2016 by 0.17 percent and the inflation rate " year on year " (January 2016 to January 2015) was 3.55 percent.

In the city of Sampit in January 2016 there was an inflation of 0.70 percent . The inflation rate of calendar year 2016 by 0.70 percent and the inflation rate " year on year " (January 2016 to January 2015) was 5.82 percent.

In January 2016 Kalimantan Tengah, which is a combination of the city of
Palangkaraya and Sampit City experienced inflation of 0.36 percent . The inflation rate of calendar year 2016 by 0.36 percent and the inflation rate " year on year " in January 2016 at 4.36 percent.
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