Inflation Of Februari 2016 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Lamandau Regency

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Inflation Of Februari 2016

Inflation Of Februari 2016Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : March 1, 2016
File Size : 0.27 MB


  • Monitoring of 82 cities nationwide CPI , there are 30 cities experienced inflation and 52 other cities experiencing deflation . The highest inflation was in Tanjung Pandan 1.02 percent and the highest deflation in the town of Merauke by 2.95 percent .
  • The city of Palangkaraya and Sampit each experienced deflation of 0.41 percent and 0.44 percent , ranks 67 and 72 cities highest inflation at the national level .
  • Inflation / deflation Central Kalimantan is a combination of the two cities ( Palangkaraya and Sampit ) that during February 2016 recorded a deflation of 0.42 percent . Year to date inflation amounted to 0.07 percent and the rate of inflation " year on year " of 4.65 percent .
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