August 2017, the number of air transport passengers fell 4.56 percent compared to the previous month - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Lamandau Regency

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August 2017, the number of air transport passengers fell 4.56 percent compared to the previous month

August 2017, the number of air transport passengers fell 4.56 percent compared to the previous monthDownload Official Statistics News
Release Date : October 2, 2017
File Size : 0.27 MB


The number of air transport passengers was 1700792 people, down 4,56 percent compared to the previous month which amounted to 178.951 people. However, the frequency of flights increased 9,70 percent, from 2.114 flights during July 2017 to 2.319 flights during August 2017. Likewise with sea transport, the number of sea transport passengers was recorded 25.740 people, down 65,07 percent compared to the previous month which amounted to 73.700 people.
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