Large industrial manufacturing production rose 2.08 percent, micro manufacturing rose 1.65 percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Lamandau Regency

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Large industrial manufacturing production rose 2.08 percent, micro manufacturing rose 1.65 percent

 Large industrial manufacturing production rose 2.08 percent, micro manufacturing rose 1.65 percentDownload Official Statistics News
Release Date : August 1, 2018
File Size : 0.72 MB


The growth of production of large and medium manufacturing industries in Kalimantan Tengah Province in the second quarter of 2018 increased compared to the previous quarter. In Q2 / 2018 (q to q) production of large manufacturing industries was up 2.08 percent from Q1 / 2018. Production growth of micro and small manufacturing industries in Kalimantan Tengah Province in quarter II-2018 (q to q) increased by 1.65 percent. Several types of micro and small industries experienced increased production in Q2 / 2018 from Q1 / 2018. The three biggest industrial sectors that experienced the biggest increase were Textile Industry; Printing and Reproduction Media Recording Industry; and Apparel Industry.
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