July 2018, Exports Increase 25.62 percent, Imports Down 43.57 percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Lamandau Regency

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July 2018, Exports Increase 25.62 percent, Imports Down 43.57 percent

July 2018, Exports Increase 25.62 percent, Imports Down 43.57 percentDownload Official Statistics News
Release Date : September 3, 2018
File Size : 0.57 MB


The total export value rose 25.62 percent from US $ 124.46 million (June 2018) to US156.35 million (July 2018). Mineral fuels are still a prime export commodity (US $ 103.05 million), contributing 65.91 percent of total exports. The total import value fell 43.57 percent from US $ 50.19 million (June 2018) to US $ 28.32 million (July 2018). However, cumulatively, it still rose 295.36 percent from US $ 40.99 million (January-July 2017) to US $ 162.06 million (January-July 2018).
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