The harvested area of rice 2018 is 202.14 thousand hectares - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Lamandau Regency

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The harvested area of rice 2018 is 202.14 thousand hectares

The harvested area of rice 2018 is 202.14 thousand hectaresDownload Official Statistics News
Release Date : November 1, 2018
File Size : 1.84 MB


The harvested area of rice in Kalimantan Tengah Province for the period of January-September 2018 amounted to 195.77 thousand hectares. Taking into account the potential until December 2018, the harvested area in 2018 is 202.14 thousand hectares.

Rice production in Kalimantan Tengah Province for the period of January-September 2018 is 720.99 thousand tons of Dry Grain (GKG). Based on the production potential until December 2018, it is estimated that total rice production in 2018 will amount to 742.76 thousand tons of MPD.

In comparison, the rice harvest area in Indonesia for the period January-September 2018 is 9.54 million hectares, with the potential up to December 2018 as much as
10.90 Million Hectares.

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