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The economy of the Kalimantan Tengah quarter III-2018 against the third quarter of 2017 (y-on-y) grew 6.48 percent

The economy of the Kalimantan Tengah quarter III-2018 against the third quarter of 2017 (y-on-y) grew 6.48 percent

The economy of the Kalimantan Tengah quarter III-2018 against the third quarter of 2017 (y-on-y) grew 6.48 percentDownload Official Statistics News
Release Date : November 5, 2018
File Size : 1.08 MB


The economy of the Kalimantan Tengah quarter III-2018 against the third quarter of 2017 (y-on-y) grew 6.48 percent. In terms of production, the highest growth was achieved by the category of Large-Retail and Car-Motorcycle Repairs which grew 16.78 percent, followed by the Education Category which grew 15.12 percent and Health Services by 14.92 percent. In terms of growth expenditure, it is driven by all components. The highest growth was achieved by the Export Component of 13.55 percent, followed by Components of Non-Profit Institution Consumption Expenditure that Served Households (LNPRT) which grew by 10.39 percent and Gross Fixed Capital Formation (PMTB) of 5.56 percent.
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