There are 1,576 administrative administrative areas at the village level in Kalimantan tengah - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Lamandau Regency

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There are 1,576 administrative administrative areas at the village level in Kalimantan tengah

There are 1,576 administrative administrative areas at the village level in Kalimantan tengahDownload Official Statistics News
Release Date : December 10, 2018
File Size : 1.43 MB


Village Potential Data Collection (Podes) is carried out three (3) times in ten (10) years. Based on the 2018 Podes results, there were 1,576 administrative administration areas at the village level consisting of 1,434 villages, 139 villages and 3 UPT / SPT. Podes also recorded 136 sub-districts and 14 districts / cities.
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