Kalimantan Tengah's 2018 Indonesian Democracy Index reaches 71.27% - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Lamandau Regency

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Kalimantan Tengah's 2018 Indonesian Democracy Index reaches 71.27%

 Kalimantan Tengah's 2018 Indonesian Democracy Index reaches 71.27%Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : July 30, 2019
File Size : 1.63 MB


The Indonesian Democracy Index (IDI) is a composite indicator that shows the level of development of democracy in Indonesia. Its value is measured based on the implementation and development of 3 (three) aspects of democracy namely Civil Liberty, Political Rights, and Institutions of Democracy.
  • The IDI calculation methodology uses 4 data sources, namely: (1) review of local newspapers with the largest number of circulation, (2) review of documents (Perda, Pergub, etc.), (3) Focus Group Discussion (FGD), and (4) in-depth interviews .
  • The IDI of Kalimantan Tengah Province in 2018 amounted to 71.27 on a scale of 0 to 100, this figure fell 4.85 points compared to the IDI in 2017 which reached 76.12. Based on the democracy level classification, where the index value is greater than 80 is categorized as "Good", the index value of 60-80 is categorized as "Medium", and the index value of less than 60 is categorized as "Bad". Thus the achievement of the performance of democracy in Central Kalimantan Province in 2018 is still categorized as Medium.
  • The change in IDI in 2017–2018 was influenced by three aspects of democracy, namely (1) Civil Liberty fell 5.49 points (from 95.58 to 90.09), (2) Political Rights (Political Rights) dropped at 6.23 points (from 56.69 to 50.46), and (3) Institution of Democracy which also fell by 1.85 points (from 82.50 to 80.65).
  • Badan Pusat Statistik

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