During August 2019, NTP fell to 96.58%. - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Lamandau Regency

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During August 2019, NTP fell to 96.58%.

During August 2019, NTP fell to 96.58%.Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : September 2, 2019
File Size : 0.53 MB


Kalimantan Tengah Province Farmer Exchange Rates (NTP) fell 0.97 points, from 97.55 percent (July 2019) to 96.58 percent (August 2019). This was influenced by a decrease in the exchange rate of the smallholder estate crops (3.35 points) and food crops (0.12 points).
  • The price index received by farmers (It) fell 1.62 points or higher than the decline in the price index paid by farmers (Ib), which amounted to 0.33 points.
  • The highest FTT occurred in the fisheries subsector (111.02 percent), followed by horticulture (106.92 percent), animal husbandry (103.75 percent), food crops (93.86 percent), and smallholder plantations (88.05 percent) .
  • Agricultural Household Exchange (NTUP) fell 1.45 points, from 106.29 percent (July 2019) to 104.84 percent (August 2019).
  • The Household Consumption Index (IKRT) in rural areas is 136.71 percent or deflation is 0.34 percent, followed by the calendar year inflation rate (2.22 percent) and relatively low year-on-year inflation (2.80 percent). The price index decline only occurred in the foodstuffs group (1.02 percent).
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