August 2019, frequency of ship visits increased (5.23%), but flights dropped (3.10%) - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Lamandau Regency

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August 2019, frequency of ship visits increased (5.23%), but flights dropped (3.10%)

August 2019, frequency of ship visits increased (5.23%), but flights dropped (3.10%)Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : October 1, 2019
File Size : 0.59 MB


The frequency of ship visits in the ports of the Kalimantan Tengah region rose 5.23 percent from 669 visits (July 2019) to 704 (August 2019).
  • The number of passengers via sea transportation decreased by 25.63 percent from 49,508 people (July 2019) to 36,819 people (August 2019).
  • The flow of goods traffic through ships rose 11.33 percent from 1.35 million tons (July 2019) to 1.50 million tons (August 2019).
  • Ship passenger activity is concentrated in Kumai (54.01 percent) and the volume of goods flow in Sampit (51.16 percent).
  • Frequency of flights dropped 3.10 percent from 1,934 flights (July 2019) to 1,874 flights (August 2019). The biggest decrease in flight frequency occurred at Tjilik Riwut Airport by 52 flights.
  • The number of passengers via air transportation decreased 0.81 percent from 154,213 people (July 2019) to 152,971 people (August 2019).
  • The flow of goods traffic through the air also decreased by 23.88 percent from 1,562 tons (July 2019) to 1,189 tons (August 2019).
  • Badan Pusat Statistik

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