Kalimantan Tengah Province experienced deflation (0.22%) - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Lamandau Regency

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Kalimantan Tengah Province experienced deflation (0.22%)

Kalimantan Tengah Province experienced deflation (0.22%)Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : April 1, 2020
File Size : 0.3 MB


Out of 90 national CPI monitoring cities, 43 experienced inflation and 47 cities experienced deflation. The highest inflation occurred in Lhokseumawe (0.64 percent) and the highest deflation was in Timika (1.91 percent). Palangka Raya and Sampit were ranked 25th and 24th highest deflation cities at the national level.
  • Deflation in Palangka Raya (0.20 percent) was influenced by a decrease in the price index in the transportation group (1.24 percent), food, beverages, and tobacco (0.46 percent), as well as information, communication and services (0.10 percent ).
  • Deflation in Sampit (0.26 percent) was also influenced by increases in the price index of the transportation group (1.48 percent), food, beverages and tobacco (0.34 percent), as well as housing, water, electricity and household fuels ( 0.01 percent).
  • Based on the two reference cities (Palangka Raya and Sampit), Kalimantan Tengah Province experienced deflation (0.22 percent), followed by a calendar year inflation rate (0.43 percent) and a year-on-year inflation rate (2.20 percent) which was quite low .
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