June 2020, the foreign trade balance surplus of US $ 130.66 million - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Lamandau Regency

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June 2020, the foreign trade balance surplus of US $ 130.66 million

June 2020, the foreign trade balance surplus of US $ 130.66 millionDownload Official Statistics News
Release Date : August 3, 2020
File Size : 1.11 MB


The total value of exports rose 20.92 percent from US $ 109.26 million (May 2020) to US $ 132.12 million (June 2020).
  • Jewelry / gem exports began to be carried out with the value of exports during June 2020 of US $ 13.00 million to Singapore.
  • Exports to China during January-June 2020 ranked first in shifting Japan's position with an export value of US $ 321.21 million.
  • The contribution of export transportation services through ports in Kalimantan Tengah was US $ 39.58 million, lower than the contribution of ports in other provinces of US $ 92.54 million.
  • Cumulatively, the total value of exports decreased by 25.55 percent from US $ 1,279.87 million (January-June 2019) to US $ 952.92 million (January-June 2020).
  • The total value of imports fell 53.35 percent from US $ 3.13 million (May 2020) to US $ 1.46 million (June 2020). Cumulatively, imports fell by 59.54 percent from US $ 35.71 million (January-June 2019) to only US $ 14.45 million (January-June 2020).
  • The foreign trade balance has a surplus of US $ 130.66 million (June 2020) and US $ 938.47 million (January-June 2020).
  • Badan Pusat Statistik

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