September 2020, the number of guests staying at star hotels increased by 15.58% - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Lamandau Regency

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September 2020, the number of guests staying at star hotels increased by 15.58%

September 2020, the number of guests staying at star hotels increased by 15.58%Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : November 2, 2020
File Size : 0.79 MB


The room occupancy rate (ROR) of star hotels during September 2020 increased by 6.56 points compared to August 2020, from 37.29 percent to 43.85 percent. The ROR for non-star hotels also rose 0.68 points, from 16.22 percent to 16.90 percent.
  • The average length of time for guests to stay in September 2020 at star hotels reaches 1.63 days, while non-star hotels are 1.17 days.
  • The number of guests staying at star hotels in September 2020 rose 15.58 percent compared to the previous month, while at non-star hotels it decreased 1.38 percent.
  • Cumulatively, from January to September 2020, the number of guests staying at star hotels fell 44.89 percent compared to the same period the previous year, and at non-star hotels also fell 10.65 percent.
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