September 2020, The number of air transportation passengers decreased 2.37% - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Lamandau Regency

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September 2020, The number of air transportation passengers decreased 2.37%

September 2020, The number of air transportation passengers decreased 2.37%Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : November 2, 2020
File Size : 0.84 MB


The frequency of visits by ships in the ports of the Kalimantan Tengah region increased by 13.12 percent, from 602 visits (August 2020) to 681 visits (September 2020).
  • The number of passengers via sea transportation decreased by 2.97 percent, from 18,159 people (August 2020) to 17,620 people (September 2020).
  • Freight traffic by ship decreased 6.61 percent, from 1.29 million tons (August 2020) to 1.21 million tons (September 2020).
  • Sea passenger activities are concentrated in Kumai (78.96 percent), while the volume of goods flows in Sampit (55.91 percent).
  • Flight frequency decreased 1.32 percent, from 755 flights (August 2020) to 745 flights (September 2020).
  • The number of passengers via air transportation fell 2.37 percent, from 50,973 people (August 2020) to 49,765 people (September 2020).
  • Freight traffic by air also increased by 2.03 percent, from 838 tons (August 2020) to 855 tons (September 2020).
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