April 2021: ROR for star hotels 39.86%; the number of guests staying as much as 19,958 people - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Lamandau Regency

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April 2021: ROR for star hotels 39.86%; the number of guests staying as much as 19,958 people

April 2021: ROR for star hotels 39.86%; the number of guests staying as much as 19,958 peopleDownload Official Statistics News
Release Date : June 2, 2021
File Size : 0.55 MB


The room occupancy rate (TPK) for star hotels during April 2021 reached 39.86 percent, down 6.85 points compared to March 2021 which was 46.71 percent. The ROR for non-star hotels fell by 1.61 points, from 19.22 percent to 17.61 percent.
  • Compared to the same month the previous year, the ROR for star hotels rose 14.83 points and non-star hotels rose 8.09 points.
  • The average length of stay of guests (RLTM) at star hotels in April 2021 reached 1.56 days, while non-star hotels were 1.13 days.
  • The number of guests staying at star hotels in April 2021 was 19,858 people, down 8.47 percent compared to the previous month. The number of guests staying at non-star hotels also fell by 7.41 percent.
  • Badan Pusat Statistik

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