July 2021: Kalimantan Tengah's exports valued at US$221.57 million, up 2.08% compared to June 2021. Imports fell 80.39% to US$1.90 million. - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Lamandau Regency

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July 2021: Kalimantan Tengah's exports valued at US$221.57 million, up 2.08% compared to June 2021. Imports fell 80.39% to US$1.90 million.

July 2021: Kalimantan Tengah's exports valued at US$221.57 million, up 2.08% compared to June 2021. Imports fell 80.39% to US$1.90 million.Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : September 1, 2021
File Size : 0.89 MB


The export value of Kalimantan Tengah in July 2021 reached US$221.57 million, an increase of 2.08 percent compared to exports in June 2021 and an increase of 21.67 percent compared to July 2020.
  • Coal, palm oil and gold are Kalimantan Tengah's main export commodities during July 2021.
  • Japan, China and Hong Kong are the main export destinations for Kalimantan Tengah during July 2021.
  • Cumulatively, the export value of Kalimantan Tengah increased by 44.13 percent, from US$1,135.46 million (January–July 2020) to US$1,636.51 million (January–July 2021).
  • Kalimantan Tengah's import value during July 2021 reached US$1.90 million, down 80.39 percent compared to June 2021 and down 37.70 percent compared to July 2020.
  • Cumulatively, the import value increased by 71.31 percent from US$18.58 million (January – July 2020) to US$31.83 million (January – July 2021).
  • Kalimantan Tengah's foreign trade balance experienced a surplus of US$219.67 million in July 2021 and US$1,604.68 million in the period January – July 2021.
  • Badan Pusat Statistik

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