April 2022: Palangka Raya and Sampit experience the same inflation of 0.97 percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Lamandau Regency

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April 2022: Palangka Raya and Sampit experience the same inflation of 0.97 percent

April 2022: Palangka Raya and Sampit experience the same inflation of 0.97 percentDownload Official Statistics News
Release Date : May 9, 2022
File Size : 2.65 MB


In April 2022, based on two reference cities, Palangka Raya and Sampit, Kalimantan Tengah had inflation of 0.97 percent with a Consumer Price Index (CPI) of 111.36. Of the 90 CPI cities, all cities experienced inflation. The highest inflation occurred in Tanjung Pandan at 2.58 percent with a CPI of 113.46 and the lowest was in Gunungsitoli at 0.22 percent with a CPI of 110.58.
  • Combined inflation for the cities of Palangka Raya and Sampit in April 2022 was due to an increase in the index of the transportation group (3.62 percent), the household equipment, equipment and routine maintenance group (1.69 percent) and the food, beverage and tobacco group (0.89 percent).
  • The inflation rate for the calendar year (April 2022 to December 2021) for the combined cities of Palangka Raya and Sampit was recorded at 2.38 percent and year-on-year inflation (April 2022 to April 2021) was 5.22 percent.
  • Commodities that contributed to inflation in April 2022 include gasoline, air transportation, cooking oil, oily pastries, household fuel, bottled water, kale, chicken eggs, cars, and wages for housemaids.
  • Commodities contributing to deflation in April 2022 include cayenne pepper, tomatoes, carrots, garlic, biscuits, cucumbers, sepat salted fish, cassava leaves, powder/liquid detergent soap and flotsam.
  • Badan Pusat Statistik

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