March 2022:The number of air and sea transport passengers during March 2022 increased compared to February 2022, by 29.65 percent and 9.71 percent, respectively. - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Lamandau Regency

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March 2022:The number of air and sea transport passengers during March 2022 increased compared to February 2022, by 29.65 percent and 9.71 percent, respectively.

March 2022:The number of air and sea transport passengers during March 2022 increased compared to February 2022, by 29.65 percent and 9.71 percent, respectively.Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : May 9, 2022
File Size : 3.91 MB


Flight frequency increased by 18.15 percent, from 810 flights (February 2022) to 957 flights (March 2022).
  • The number of air transport passengers increased by 29.65 percent, from 62,218 people (February 2022) to 80,665 people (March 2022).
  • Freight traffic using air transportation rose 22.18 percent, from 807 tons (February 2022) to 986 tons (March 2022).
  • The frequency of ship visits at ports in the Central Kalimantan region increased by 12.20 percent, from 615 visits (February 2022) to 690 visits (March 2022).
  • The number of sea transport passengers rose 9.71 percent, from 23,020 people (February 2022) to 25,255 people (March 2022).
  • Freight traffic using sea transportation rose 8.29 percent, from 1.89 million tons (February 2022) to 2.04 million tons (March 2022).
  • Sea transportation passenger activities are concentrated in Kumai Port (75.19 percent), while the volume of goods flows at Sampit Port (73.97 percent).
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