February 2022: Kalimantan Tengah's Open Unemployment Rate of 4.20 percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Lamandau Regency

February 2022: Kalimantan Tengah's Open Unemployment Rate of 4.20 percent

February 2022: Kalimantan Tengah's Open Unemployment Rate of 4.20 percentDownload Official Statistics News
Release Date : May 9, 2022
File Size : 1.99 MB


The total workforce in February 2022 was 1,374.70 thousand people, a decrease of 39.08 thousand people compared to February 2021. The Labor Force Participation Rate (TPAK) decreased by 2.49 percentage points.
  • The working population is 1,317.00 thousand people, a decrease of 36.63 thousand people from February 2021. Employment fields that experienced the largest percentage increase were the Mining and Quarrying Sector (2.79 percentage points). Meanwhile, the jobs that experienced the biggest decline were the Government Administration, Defense & Mandatory Social Security Sector (2.28 percentage points).
  • A total of 751.19 thousand people (57.04 percent) worked in informal activities, an increase of 0.22 percentage points compared to February 2021, while as many as 565.81 thousand people (42.96 percent).
  • The percentage of underemployed is down 0.65 percentage point, while the percentage of part-time workers is down by 0.33 percentage point compared to February 2021.
  • The Open Unemployment Rate (TPT) in February 2022 was 4.20 percent, down by 0.05 percentage points compared to February 2021.
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