June 2023: The number of air transport passengers during June 2023 decreased by 10.56 percent compared to May 2023, while the number of sea transport passengers decreased by 31.03 percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Lamandau Regency

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June 2023: The number of air transport passengers during June 2023 decreased by 10.56 percent compared to May 2023, while the number of sea transport passengers decreased by 31.03 percent

June 2023: The number of air transport passengers during June 2023 decreased by 10.56 percent compared to May 2023, while the number of sea transport passengers decreased by 31.03 percentDownload Official Statistics News
Release Date : August 1, 2023
File Size : 2.09 MB


Flight frequency in June 2023 decreased by 8.81 percent compared to May 2023, from 1,101 flights to 1,004 flights.
  • The number of air transport passengers decreased by 10.56 percent, from 109,221 people (May 2023) to 97,682 people (June 2023).
  • Goods traffic using air transportation fell by 10.94 percent, from 1,362 tons (May 2023) to 1,213 tons (June 2023).
  • The frequency of ship visits to ports in the Kalimantan Tengah region increased by 6.45 percent, from 713 visits (May 2023) to 759 visits (June 2023).
  • The number of sea transport passengers decreased by 31.03 percent, from 73,077 people (May 2023) to 50,402 people (June 2023).
  • Traffic of goods using sea transportation increased by 42.56 percent, from 1.37 million tonnes (May 2023) to 1.95 million tonnes (June 2023).
  • During June 2023, sea transport passenger activities were concentrated at Kumai Port (69.85 percent), while the volume of goods flow was concentrated at Sampit Port (57.24 percent).
  • Badan Pusat Statistik

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