November 2023: Kalimantan Tengah's Exports and Imports increased respectively by 5.83 percent and 264.56 percent compared to the previous month. - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Lamandau Regency

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November 2023: Kalimantan Tengah's Exports and Imports increased respectively by 5.83 percent and 264.56 percent compared to the previous month.

November 2023: Kalimantan Tengah's Exports and Imports increased respectively by 5.83 percent and 264.56 percent compared to the previous month.Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : January 2, 2024
File Size : 3.02 MB


The export value of Kalimantan Tengah in November 2023 reached US$357.31 million, an increase of 5.83 percent compared to October 2023, but a decrease of 40.64 percent compared to November 2022.
  • Coal, palm oil, lignite, zirconium ore, and jewelry/gems are the main export commodities of Kalimantan Tengah in November 2023.
  • Japan, China, and India are the main destination countries for the exports of Kalimantan Tengah in November 2023.
  • Cumulatively, the export value of Kalimantan Tengah decreased by 16.86 percent, from US$5,341.25 million (January-November 2022) to US$4,440.93 million (January-November 2023).
  • The import value of Kalimantan Tengah in November 2023 reached US$8.64 million, an increase of 264.56 percent compared to October 2023, and an increase of 78.88 percent compared to November 2022.
  • Bitumen asphalt, steam boilers, seed sorting machines, electric machinery equipment, and electric boilers are the main import commodities of Kalimantan Tengah in November 2023.
  • Malaysia, Singapore, and Germany are the main countries of origin for the imports of Kalimantan Tengah in November 2023.
  • The foreign trade balance of Kalimantan Tengah in November 2023 experienced a surplus of US$348.67 million.
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