Consumer optimism in quarter III-2018 was lower than quarter II-2018 (ITK value of 118.11) - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Lamandau Regency

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Consumer optimism in quarter III-2018 was lower than quarter II-2018 (ITK value of 118.11)

Consumer optimism in quarter III-2018 was lower than quarter II-2018 (ITK value of 118.11)Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : November 5, 2018
File Size : 0.81 MB


• ITK Central Kalimantan in quarter III-2018 amounted to 106.65, meaning that consumer economic conditions in quarter III-2018 increased compared to the previous quarter. Consumer optimism in quarter III-2018 was lower than quarter II-2018 (ITK value of 118.11). • Improved consumer economic conditions in the third quarter of 2018 were mainly driven by current income (index value of 104.04), consumption level (index value of 107.53), and the effect of inflation on consumption (index value of 110.87).
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