January 2019, Kalimantan Tengah Farmer Exchange Rate (NTP) 94.64 percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Lamandau Regency

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January 2019, Kalimantan Tengah Farmer Exchange Rate (NTP) 94.64 percent

January 2019, Kalimantan Tengah Farmer Exchange Rate (NTP) 94.64 percentDownload Official Statistics News
Release Date : February 1, 2019
File Size : 0.3 MB


  • Kalimantan Tengah's NTP fell 0.38 points, from 95.02 percent (December 2018) to 94.64 percent (January 2019). This is influenced by the decline in the exchange rate of all sub-sectors, except fisheries.
  • The price index received by farmers (It) rose 0.48 points, lower than the increase in the price index paid by farmers (Ib) which amounted to 1.02 points.
  • The highest FTT occurred in the fisheries sub-sector (109.21 percent), followed by horticulture (103.62 percent), livestock (103.01 percent), food crops (94.44 percent), and smallholder plantations (84.33 percent).
  • The exchange rate of agricultural household businesses (NTUP) fell 0.30 points, from 102.90 percent (December 2018) to 102.60 percent (January 2019).
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