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November 2019, Kalimantan Tengah NTP of 97.7%

November 2019, Kalimantan Tengah NTP of 97.7%

November 2019, Kalimantan Tengah NTP of 97.7%Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : December 2, 2019
File Size : 0.53 MB


The NTP of Kalimantan Tengah Province rose 0.35 points, from 97.35 percent (October 2019) to 97.70 percent (November 2019). This was influenced by an increase in the exchange rate of the horticultural subsector (0.78 points), food crops (0.46 points), livestock (0.39 points) and smallholder crops (0.18 points).
  • The price index received by farmers (It) rose by 1.03 points, higher than the increase in the price index paid by farmers (Ib) by 0.58 points.
  • The highest FTT occurred in the fisheries subsector (110.69 percent), followed by horticulture (109.32 percent), livestock (103.44 percent), food crops (95.10 percent), and smallholder plantations (89.31 percent).
  • The Exchange Rate of Agricultural Household Enterprises (NTUP) also rose 0.67 points, from 105.29 percent (October 2019) to 105.96 percent (November 2019).
  • The Household Consumption Index (IKRT) in rural areas was 137.05 percent or inflation was 0.51 percent, followed by the calendar year inflation rate (2.47 percent and year-on-year inflation (3.44 percent) which was quite low. price index for all groups of household expenditure.
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