Foreign trade balance surplus of US $ 106.05 million (August 2019) - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Lamandau Regency

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Foreign trade balance surplus of US $ 106.05 million (August 2019)

 Foreign trade balance surplus of US $ 106.05 million (August 2019)Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : October 1, 2019
File Size : 0.81 MB


The total value of exports fell 45.81 percent from US $ 203.71 million (July 2019) to US $ 110.39 million (August 2019).
  • Mineral fuels are still the main export commodity (US $ 56.16 million), contributing 50.86 percent of total exports.
  • China is a major trading partner country for export destinations (US $ 41.42 million), contributing 37.52 percent of total exports.
  • The Port of Kumai dominates the service of commodity export flow through Central Kalimantan (US $ 24.92 million), contributing 22.57 percent of total exports.
  • Cumulatively, the total value of exports rose 23.68 percent from US $ 1,288.74 million (January-August 2018) to US $ 1,599.97 million (January-August 2019).
  • Total import value rose 91.67 percent from only US $ 2.16 million (July 2019) to US $ 4.14 million (August 2019). Cumulatively, down 75.85 percent from US $ 173.93 million (January-August 2018) to only US $ 42.01 million (January-August 2019).
  • The foreign trade balance has a surplus of US $ 106.05 million (August 2019) and US $ 1. 551.96 million (January-August2019).
  • Badan Pusat Statistik

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